Popular Habits That Can Damage The Brain

Humanity’s evolution has always been tied to the brain. Ever since man first began to walk upright, cognitive process were, and still are, humanity’s greatest asset. This has unquestionably led to mankind leading the race called evolution. Analytical skills, a greater memory capacity and speech are the key developments in the evolution of the human brain that has given us humans a place at the top of the food chain.

The human brain works in a seamless manner with other organ systems in the human body. Needless to say, this unique and complex organ needs care and maintenance. But sadly, pressures faced in daily living are causing individuals to adopt certain habits that may in the long run, damage the functionality of the brain, and eventually that of other important organ systems.

Ignorance isn’t always bliss. Individuals need to be aware and conscious of a few habits that could lead to brain damage, so that an affirmative action can be taken to put an end to such unhealthy way of life.

Habit 1: Skipping Breakfast

Time is crucial today and the easiest way to do so is skip meals, mostly breakfast. But breakfast is the most important mean of the day as it allows body to refuel its glucose reserves after an average 8 hour long fast. Glucose is the main fuel for the brain. Not eating breakfast causes blood sugar levels to plummet leading to an insufficient supply of nutrients and eventually brain damage.

Habit 2: Smoking

Four thousand chemicals, forty three cancer causing compounds and four hundred other toxins present in a single cigarette stick blocks carotid artery, the main blood vessel in the brain, thus cutting blood supply to brain cells and causing stroke. Empysema, cancer and multiple brain shrinkage is also caused that eventually leads to Alzheimer disease.

Habit 3: Eating in Excess

Brian works closely with digestive organs and sends them hunger signals to indicate that it is time to eat. Overeating however numbs this brain-nerve signal, causes brain arteries to harden and thereby decreases mental power.

Habit 4: Lack of Sleep

Sleep is essential to rejuvenate cognitive function of the brain. Sustained deprivation from sleep cause neurons to malfunction, diminish mental performance and accelerate the death of brain cells. People who regularly do not get enough sleep become less sensitive to insulin. This increases the risk for diabetes and high blood pressure — both serious threats to the brain.

Habit 5: Exposure to Air Pollution

Brain is the largest consumer of oxygen. The lack of oxygen even for just three minutes can cause irreversible damage to the brain. Pollutants present in the atmosphere are known to cause inflammation and abnormal protein deposits in brain tissue, decrease the supply of oxygen to the brain and turn on tumour genes that can lead to brain tumours.

Habit 6: Covering the Head While Sleeping

Covering the head while sleeping causes an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Since brain requires adequate oxygen for it’s functioning, an increase in the concentration of any other gas can have damaging effects on the brain.

Habit 7: No Brain Exercise

Human brain is like a knife that needs to be sharpened time and again to function well. A lack of stimulating thoughts and brain engaging activities like reading, socialising and engaging in intellectual conversations that help to keep the mind constantly active can impede mental growth.

Habit 8: Stressing the Brain During Illness

Working hard or studying with sickness surely leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the brain, as well as, damage the brain.

Brain cells are precious. If they are not taken care of, they can die prematurely and unlike the liver, cannot be regenerated. Being wary and keeping a check on the habits that damage the brain, can prolong an individual’s life and keep most diseases at bay!

Taken from:biomedme.com

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